
I started in the field of Bioinformatics in 2008 and have since tackled problems in different biological systems. I currently work as a Postdoc for the Microverse Cluster in Jena/Germany, in the Viral Ecology and Omics group. Previously, I analysed data of laboratory medicine in the University of Leipzig Medical Center.

In my PhD studies, I developed different methods and algorithms to study evolution of non-coding RNAs. Most prominently, I developed the SSS-test, the first test in the scientific community that can detect positive selection in ncRNA structures. With the SSS-test, it is possible to detect fast-evolving strucures in any biological system.

In my Master studies, using Bayesian statistics, I found that heavy chains of antibodies confer DNA recognition properties, opening new doors for research in systemic lupus erythematosus, a medical condition that is characterized by the presence of anti-DNA antibodies.

In addition, I specialized in communicating proficiently with researchers from different fields, backgrounds and cultures. I have worked with collaborators from Germany, Brazil, Mexico, Canada and India. I am interested in languages, being fluent in Brazilian Portuguese and English and an advanced speaker of German and Spanish.

I also developed my own organization strategy, centered on a computational lab book written in LaTex. I use Git daily, a version control tool, for updating my lab book and codes. With that, I managed to write my PhD dissertation in only 170 hours. I invite you to take a look at the visual scheme below and follow my tutorial to start your own Lab Book in Latex.